
Google Cloud

Google Cloud

What is Google Cloud?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud services that runs on the same infrastructure as Google's end-user products. This infrastructure is distributed across different global regions and offers redundancy and low latency for ease of access. The environments they provide include infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and serverless computing. Specific Google Cloud services include but are not limited to tools for cloud computing, storage, data analytics, DevOps, and IT operations.

Benefits Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a suite of services used by companies worldwide. By hosting the platform in the cloud, Google can offer its extensive list of services and tools globally, all of which are at companies’ fingertips. Google Cloud can provide your company with the programs needed to start, grow, and manage your company from anywhere in the world with ease. And if you need additional assistance, they have experts waiting and willing to assist you.



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Google offers cloud storage, speed, and security that is effective & efficient. Put one of the world's best cloud technology stacks to work.

Infrastructure & Cloud

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