Our team of project managers, developers, and enterprise IT engineers help clients throughout the Kubernetes lifecycle. From planning to continuous improvement, STAND 8 has the expertise to get CI/CD done.
Plan for scalable, future-proof Kubernetes deployments. From choosing between cloud providers, to determining the scope and schedule of containerization, STAND 8 stands ready to ensure your business success.
Avoid application errors and inefficient operations. STAND 8 takes responsibility for highly performant and resilient Kubernetes systems. Safely manage and migrate testing, QA, and production environments.
Dynamic and large-scale application management demands rigorous attention to performance and security opportunities. STAND 8 helps clients track every asset, including their Kubernetes environment(s).
Stand 8 offers delivery models based on the resources and outcomes that you need us to manage. Less involvement – we provide contingent staff (Strategic Staffing). More involvement – services for a specific initiative (Team Services or Project Services). Most – we manage whole departments (Managed Services).
Add staff to a team you manage. We provide expert resources, and you manage the work to the outcome you desire. We vet candidates according your technical & business needs, and deliver skilled people who immediately contribute.
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We manage the staffing & daily output of a team of resources. This includes onboarding, training, logistics, reporting & resource oversight as one complete service. Our Engagement Manager keeps you up to date on team progress.
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For larger projects with a defined scope - STAND 8 builds & manages a custom team of experts from our centers of excellence. An Engagement Manager & Executive Sponsor manage both team staffing & output based on a Service Agreement.
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Our turnkey solutions – STAND 8 acts as an IT department within your company. Help Desk, Infrastructure, Cloud Services and more, we manage a major IT Service as a self-contained, managed team.
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